Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Three Views of Purgatory"

This was my final for the semester. A week ago I thought it was done, though at the moment I'm calling it a work in progress. For now, I'm still happy with where its going. Special thanks to all the models you guys are awesome.

I never used to take detail photos of my pieces but they're becoming more and more common. I think its a good thing.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Two Teapots

I'm real busy on the final. I'll post it when its done. For now, here's some teapots:

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Two New Paintings

Here's my last two self-portraits. They are both about restraint. The next one's about that idea as well. We'll see how it turns out. I'm excited. You should be excited!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Recent work: October

Really, have I not posted anything? Looks like it, yeah. Been doing a lot of work. Mostly assignments, here are some of my personal favorites so far:

The drawings have been more linear than before. I've switched to a pencil after using vine. Things seem more clear. Good to work with Hard to erase. The paintings all involve some type of pallet limitation which frustrates and excites me. The photos of this stuff isn't particularly good. Better quality next time I swear! 

Good things coming on the way.

Monday, September 6, 2010

I've never  had a blog or website before. I can't say I know much about html or technology in general for that matter. Still there are countless times when I want to show people the paintings I've been working on but can't. To fix this I'll be posting recent work as its made. For now here's some older work for no reason other than to make this page a little less wordy:

The first is an oil painting entitled "Juliet." The second is a dry pastel drawing entitled "Walter." The last is a monotype print entitled "Kyle."